Are you interested in teaching in development?

The Cambridge Development Initiative is looking to set up an online platform that would allow Cambridge students to create educational content in a form that is accessible and engaging to both children and adults living in the slums of Dar es Salaam.

The format of this content will be chosen by you. Possibilities may be a poster, a PowerPoint, a video, along with interactive elements (e.g. a game or an exercise).

For example, if you were a History student you might choose to create a slideshow on a particularly important theme in your period e.g. Nationalism.

You will then receive feedback on the content you create from teachers who have experience of teaching in slums, before the content is released online to the slum dwellers.

Please fill in this one-page survey – – to tell us whether you’d be interested in this (please fill in even if you’re not, so that we can obtain more representative results).


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