Hughes Hall – Men’s Lacrosse

The Cambridge Men’s Lacrosse Team is looking for people who have played the sport before or simply want to pick up something new to stay fit. The modern mens’ game is physical, exciting and officially the fastest sport on two feet. Because men’s lacrosse isn’t offered at college level, we find that many graduate students don’t come across us throughout their time at Cambridge. Those Americans and Canadians among you that have played across the pond may worry that sport at Cambridge requires a similar time commitment to an average US college sports team. However, we only train on once or twice a week with matches on Saturdays and optional weekly socials. If you want to meet people outside of your subject or college, the men’s team is the perfect place to do so.

In the past few years we’ve had students from Harvard, MIT, Yale, Bucknell, Notre Dame and UCSB, as well as many military officers join the club, all of whom enjoyed it immensely. Their highlights included earning a Cambridge Blue and joining the Hawks’ Club. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with Clare graduate Nick Evans (ne243) or Air Force Captain and Robinson MCR member Tim Schaitberger (tjs68).


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