Join the Court of Discipline – student membership 2016

I am writing to you in accordance with the procedure set out in Statutes
and Ordinances 2015 p. 202-3.

The Advisory Committee on Committee Membership and External Nominations
(ACCMEN) on behalf of the Council invites the Junior Combination Room
Committee (or equivalent) to nominate one individual to serve as a
student member on panel _(c) _(members of the University _in statu
pupillari_) of the Court of Discipline.

Your nomination should be returned as soon as possible so that it can be
placed before ACCMEN and subsequently approved by the University Council
during November or December.

Nominees must be students for the whole term of service which runs from
1 January to 31 December 2016. Graduate Students _in statu pupillari_
are also eligible for nomination; please consult or liaise with your
College’s MCR President as appropriate. The definition of _in statu
pupillari_ is given is Statute A X 2 _(b)_ as follows:

_(b) _the term _in statu pupillari_ shall mean a member of the
University (in which term shall be included a member of a College, or of
an Approved Society, resident in the University with a view to
matriculation) who has not been admitted to an office in the University
(or to a post in the University Press specially designated under Statute
J 7 or to an appointment approved by the University for the purpose of
Statute A III 10_(e))_, or to a Fellowship or office of a College, or to
a degree which qualifies the holder for membership to the Senate under
Statute A I 7_(c)_, and is of less than three and a half years’ standing
from admission to his or her first degree (if any);

I attach a note of frequently asked questions about the Court of
Discipline which you may find useful.

I realise that as an MCR you may not be able to find an eligible student
to nominate.

The names and Colleges of panel members will be published in the

The following information is needed about your nominee

· Full name

· Course/subject

· Date Course finishes

· Email address

Please add the information requested above and reply to this email on
behalf of your JCR Committee or equivalent.


The MCR Committee nominates (name)


to serve as a member of panel _(c) _of the Court of Discipline from 1
January to 31 December 2016.


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