Hughes Hall’s Got Talent

Earlier this year Hughsian PGCE student, April Heath, was taken ill at Norfolk and Norwich Hospital. The staff looked after her extremely well and within 2 and a half weeks had discovered and removed a stomach tumour which was thought to have been cancerous. April has since been informed that her tumour is extremely rare but, most importantly, completely benign! April is now on the road to recovery and invites you all, staff, students, friends and family, to a charity talent show! All money raised will go towards the wonderful work which the Norfolk and Norwich hospital provides and to help beat Oesophago-gastric cancer.

Entry cost is £3. Tickets will be sold at the door.

There will be a winner and, therefore, prizes are at stake! A raffle will also be drawn at the end.

In true Hughesian fashion, cheese, wine and crackers will be available, we just ask for a small donation.

Any and all kinds of performances are welcome. Please try to keep them to maximum ~5 mins.

Enter your details here:

April’s full story, from diagnosis to recovery, can be found via this link:


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