Committee 2012-2013

Ben Goldberg – President

As President, it is my duty to represent the interests of Hughesians to both college and the university, allowing me to indulge a longstanding love of meetings. As well as this, I am in charge of co-ordinating the committee in all its various functions and ensuring Hughes has a healthy academic and social life. In my spare time, I am a second year Politics undergraduate. Any questions, suggestions or complaints that cannot be fielded by another committee member, email me at (bg318).




Stefano Gogioso – Secretary

As Secretary I am responsible for all the communications of the MCR, including the design and management of this website and the weekly newsletter. I further keep the archives, redact the agenda and minutes for all meetings and sit in College Council and Academic Committee along with the MCR President. I have completed my BA in Mathematics last year and am currently continuing at Hughes Hall as a Part III Mathematics student. I also happen to cover the position of May Ball Vice-president. You can email me at (sg495).



Christian Ku – Treasurer

Christian Ku

I am a third year PhD student at the Pathology Department whilst also being the Treasurer for Hughes Hall. The treasurer is in charge of all MCR expenses. This includes making decisions on budgets and the amount of money to be spent on particular events such as Tea & Cakes.
I also keep the accounts of the MCR, and can make them available to any member on request.You can email me at (chck2).



Stefano Salvatore – Vice President

As Vice-President I have the honour to represent the Hughesians at the CUSU and the Graduate Union. I liaise with the other colleges, keeping good contacts with them and sharing useful information.
Contact me for any question about Cambridge and Hughes Hall: after having been couple of years in the MCR, i might know the answer! You are likely to find me enjoying any party thrown by the social secs!
You can email me at (ss880).



Martin Sedlak, Andrew Walls – Social Secretaries

Hi, we are the Social Secretaries at Hughes Hall. Our task is to ensure that our students do not go through their whole time at college thinking that there is only work to do while at Cambridge: we are in charge of the entertainment and social events organised by the MCR. We hope to see you at our Bops, pub crawls, and ghost tours, or every sunday for a casual Tea & Cakes. You can email us at (ms2027) and (ajw257) respectively.




Davide Cavaliere, Lara Diaz de Grenu – Welfare Officers

A variety of issues fall under the category of welfare: health, disability, academic problems, sexual harassment, racism, safety, personal problems, overseas students, career decisions and grants. As MCR Welfare Officers, we are responsible for helping out Hughesians with these issues. We are also the people to contact if you need advice on how to approach the University about welfare issues. We receive information from CUSU (the Cambridge University Students’ Union), and the Graduate Union, and are present at meetings where Cambridge students’ welfare is on the agenda. The Welfare Officers receive and distribute information about sexual health, pregnancy, domestic violence, eating disorders, breast cancer, rape, child care and events for women in Cambridge. Leaflets, posters and other information are placed on the MCR notice board close to the MCR bar.
Davide is a PhD student in Engineering and Lara is a PhD student in neuroscience. Any questions or information, contact us at (dec38) and (ld369) respectively.

Stefano Salvatore – Bar Manager

Hughes Hall has a glorious bar run by students with a famed selection of whiskeys and premium spirits. His walls hold tales and secrets of generation of students and use to host the fun and the hearth of the college life.
As bar manager I make sure the bar runs smoothly and that there are always enough drinks to quench student’s thirsts and to party!
You can email me at (ss880).




Erling Amble – Sports and Societies Officer

I am a 2nd year BA History student and Captain of the HH Boat Club.
As Sports and Societies Officer, my role involves promoting Hughes Hall sports clubs and societies, helping with the set up and organisation of new societies or teams, and ensuring that the sports and societies webpage is up to date with the correct information.
Contact me at (eapa3).

Nelly Olova, Michel Schammel – External Social Secretaries

As External Social Secretaries we are responsible for organising social activities with other colleges. In one way this is important for the social interaction and mixing between students from different colleges and on the other it also provides an opportunity to visit and experience colleges which one may not have access to through friends. These events include BOPs and regular formal swaps (3 or 4 times per term), where we take a group of Hughesians to dinner at a host college and return the favour by inviting some of them to Hughes – you will be receiving an e-mail about this shortly after the beginning of each term. We also organise the annual visit to our sister college in Oxford, Linacre, and their visit to our college. Nelly is doing a PhD in Epigenetics, Michel is doing a PhD in Astrophysics. You can email us at (nno20) and (mps54) respectively.



Marcus Tan, Lorenz Fenk – Ethical Affairs Officers

As your Ethical Affairs Officers, we work hard towards promoting both environmental conservation, as well as charitable causes. We work closely with CUSU Ethical Affairs, the college administration, as well as the student body to help make Hughes Hall a green and socially responsible college. We are actively recruiting interested students to join our Ethical Affairs sub-committee to help spearhead our many exciting initiatives over the upcoming year. Marcus is a second year undergrad studying Land Economy while Lorenz is a PHD candidate in Neuroscience. You can email us at (hyt24) and (laf50) respectively.



Gunel Mehdiyeva – Undergraduate Representative

I am a final year Law Undergrad here at Hughes. As the Undergraduate Representative, I am always on hand to offer support and guidance for all of our Undergrads throughout the year. If you would like to be put in touch with people who are on your course or need any support finding your feet here at Hughes, let me know and I will be on hand to help. I am also responsible for making sure new and old students have all the support and resources they need to be successful on their course. So, if you have any questions, concerns or requests please e-mail me at (gm447).






Eugenio Cocchi – Internal Social Officer

As a social officer, I collaborate with the social secretaries in order to ensure that Hughes Hall remains one of the most friendly and active college to be in. Our duty is the organization of plenty of social activities for Hughesians and their friends, starting with a full-time Freshers’ month and going on all through the year. Ranging from bops and bar nights to the relaxed atmosphere of our regular tea&cakes events, I hope you will enjoy this year at Hughes. You can email me at (ec471).




Amy Thomas – Development Officer

As Development Officer, my role is to serve as an official voice for the MCR as part of the Hughes Hall Development Team. The focus of the Development Office is to compose a network of support for the growth and development of the college. This involves building and maintaining relationships with Hughes alumni and encouraging their continued involvement in college life. As MCR representative my aim is to ensure consistency and cooperation between the MCR and the Development office. This will involve recruiting for fundraising initiatives, facilitating communications between the Development office and the MCR and keeping the Development office informed of any special achievements from within the student body to be shared with alumni and college supporters. I am a second year PPS undergraduate and tea enthusiast – if you have any questions or development ideas come along to tea and cakes for a chat! Or email me at (amt57).


Miranda Abild – Off-College Officer

Approximately one half of Hughes Hall members reside in non-college accommodation. This accommodation can range from those living in private residence, house-shares or other non-college accommodation. As such, it can be more difficult for non-college residing members to feel as strong of a connection to their college and to its diverse and international membership as college residing members. As Off-Campus Officer, it is my role to try to bridge the gap between those students living off campus and those living directly at the college. A further objective of the Off-Campus Officer is to make participation in college events by those residing off-campus easier while also getting the participation of college-residing members in various off-campus events, allowing all of Hughes Halls members a more varied experience. Any ideas for off-campus events or feedback in general would be greatly appreciated (mla45).


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