Hughesletter 4 – 11 November

Dear Hughesians,

Here are the most important events and announcements for this week.

News from Hughes

  1. Survey on College housing, for on-site Hughesians
  2. Bikers’ Check-list
  3. Tea & Cakes, November 10th, 15.00

Sports and Societies News

  1. Film Tuesday, November 5th, 20.00
  2. Wine Tasting, November 6th, 20.30
  3. Hat Club, November 7th, 20.00
  4. Film Sunday, November 10th, 20.00

Other News

  1. Cambridge Ethical Festival
  2. SV2UK

For past events and announcements, please see the previous Hughesletter.

All the best,

— George Sarbu
MCR Secretary


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